Thursday, March 29, 2007

Smoking Cigarettes Has More Devastating Effects Than You Think

Joel Spitzer has a excellent informational website that shows the effects of smoking on your lungs. He shows us through performing a detailed demonstration with the knowledge to back it up. I was once a smoker and now thankful that I have given the habit. I never plan to start again. When I seen the pictures Spitzer has on his website, it makes me more appreciative of my lungs and the fact I don't smoke anymore, no matter how good it felt at the moment. I hope that you may think real hard about what effect smoking has on your lungs and maybe through these eye opening pictures you will kick that nasty habit. It is worth it.

"Imagine going through life having to struggle to breath like those last two breaths I had you take. Unfortunately, millions of people don't have to imagine it, they live it daily. It is a miserable way to live and a slow painful way to die."

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Frugal Farm: What will she get into next? or, Do you want some spice with that?

The Frugal Farm: What will she get into next? or, Do you want some spice with that?

Funny Quotes

I love inspiring little quotes that make me laugh. I actually came across this funny one about:

Annoying People - By Fred Allen

"I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me."

For more quotes visit: Quote4theday

Increase Your Blog Traffic

If your like me your trying to figure out how to get traffic hoppin to your lonely blog site. Full of information that you want everyone to read, you gotta get noticed. Anyhow, I came across this blog that have tips that may be helpful to you.
Increase Blog Traffic.

Internet Marketing